Power metal full service to celebrate. Dirty, groovy, the partly cheerful to dark sound of Stormage rushes through your head.
The multi-layered and no-frills songwriting meets a melodic thunderstorm of guitars to nestle directly in the brain through the auditory canal.
Straightforward but multi-layered, the unmistakable riffs and grooves rush right in your face.
Power metal full service to celebrate. Dirty, groovy, the partly cheerful to dark sound of Stormage rushes through your head. The multi-layered and no-frills songwriting meets a melodic...
read more » Close window Power metal full service to celebrate. Dirty, groovy, the partly cheerful to dark sound of Stormage rushes through your head.
The multi-layered and no-frills songwriting meets a melodic thunderstorm of guitars to nestle directly in the brain through the auditory canal.
Straightforward but multi-layered, the unmistakable riffs and grooves rush right in your face.